A therapeutic treatment tailored to support your specific needs and requirements where Ancient Tibetan Singing Bowls are placed on and around the dressed body and tapped gently with a felt mallet. This is a multi-layered journey unlike any other.
The Tibetan Singing Bowls bring the physical and energetic bodies to their prime resonant frequencies at which physical cells vibrate when they are in their healthiest state. The sound frequencies helps your body activate its innate ability to heal by deactivating the sympathetic nervous system (responsible for our survival fight and flight instincts) and activating the parasympathetic nervous system, responsible for rest and digestion.
Sound sessions last one hour and take place fully clothed on a mat on the floor.
Clients are asked to wear comfortable clothing without buttons, zippers or jewelry.
At times throughout the session the bowls are infused with warm water and loving intentions then placed gently on different Chakras (energy centers of the body) for a vibrational sound massage. The harmonic vibrations engage the relaxation reflex, slow down the respiratory, brain and heart rate and disrupt the pain reflex creating a deeper sense of well being.
Additional instruments will also be used such as a gong, crystal bowls and chimes.
No one person is alike and no one session is the same as another. That is the true beauty of these instruments and us!
I am not the healer, but, a conduit for you to heal and restore yourself.
My own daily practices are set with the intention to become as clear as possible for the energy of Source & Love to flow through. It is my pleasure, my desire and my honor to be of service.
"If we accept that sound is vibration and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is heard not only through our ears but through every cell in our bodies. One reason sound heals on a physical level is because it so deeply touches and transforms us on the emotional and spiritual planes. Sound can redress imbalances on every level of physiologic functioning and can play a positive role in the treatment of virtually any medical disorder.”
~ Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine, the Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York.
Give the gift of Peace.
Sound therapy sessions make the perfect gift for every body & any occasion.
Contact Nicole
11111 Route 23 Windham NY 12496
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